Vicky Vette
Vicky Vette isn’t your average pornstar.
Your average pornstar starts her career on the casting couch between the ages of 18 or 20. When Vicky Vette was 38 she sent her pictures to Hustler’s Beaver Hunt and won! That was in 2003. Since then Vicky Vette has become a porn-mogul with the Vette Nation Army.
Vicky Vette just celebrated 10 years in the porn industry and she was nice enough to stop by the Blog to talk to us about her career thus far.
So without further ado, let’s get to the Vicky Vette interview already!
Source: via RexMag on
Whenever someone talks about Vicky Vette they always mention “Norwegian” but aren’t you technically more Canadian than Norwegian?
Yes I moved to Canada when I was about 4 and a half years old. BTW, some parts of Canada are very much like Norway. I still have family in Norway, I was very close to my grandmother, a tough old viking battle axe, and although my Norwegian is rusty, I enjoy Norwegian food, I celebrate Norwegian christmas, and I was born with skis on my feet. I envision myself returning to Norway one day, maybe retiring there (for the summers anyway!)
So you just celebrated 10 years in the adult industry. Congratulations. How do you plan on celebrating this milestone?
I have a poster! I’m so excited and proud of it! The first one I have ever made myself and I think it turned out great! No I’m not conceited, lol… I asked my website members to help me pick out photos for the 4 borders, we spanned the years 2003 to 2013 and chose several pics for each year! It’s on sale for 19.95 in my online store right now. ( It’s a limited edition and once they are gone, they are gone!
I’m also celebrating my 10 yr anniversary and my 48th birthday with a website special! For a limited time you can save $5 and jointhe network for only $20.03 recurring since 2003 was the year I started…
Besides that I’m having birthday dinner with girl bud and VNA sister Charlee Chase and I’m actually going on a little hiking trip this weekend, gonna get away to the mountains and commune with nature. I’m sure a penis will be involved and there may be photos taken, lol… I’m getting in shape for it by running on a treadmill with a clothespin on my nose and breathing through a straw…
10 years seems like a huge milestone, especially these days in the porn industry. But considering the fact that you started when you were 38, it seems even more impressive. What’s the secret to longevity when you’re a pornstar?
Consistency. Not giving up when you are down and not being too full of yourself when you are high. Always giving back to the fans. Without fans a girl is nothing. They are the front lines! They are the reason you are where you are, don’t ever forget that. And fans are not stupid! They know if you truly are interactive or if you have hired someone for $10 an hour to answer your fan mail and do your twitter and facebook and google plus for you! They know ”real” when they see it. If you are too busy for your fans they will quickly move onto someone else. I am religious about being on the net every single day. If you disappear for weeks at a time, fans are off chatting to other people. I am kind of like the Cal Ripkin of porn. I rarely miss camshows and I work every single day on something fan related.
Consistency. Not giving up when you are down and not being too full of yourself when you are high. Always giving back to the fans. Without fans a girl is nothing. They are the front lines! They are the reason you are where you are, don’t ever forget that. And fans are not stupid! They know if you truly are interactive or if you have hired someone for $10 an hour to answer your fan mail and do your twitter and facebook and google plus for you! They know ”real” when they see it. If you are too busy for your fans they will quickly move onto someone else. I am religious about being on the net every single day. If you disappear for weeks at a time, fans are off chatting to other people. I am kind of like the Cal Ripkin of porn. I rarely miss camshows and I work every single day on something fan related.
There’s a really good Kimberly Kane quote that goes something like, “Pornstars live in dog years. By the time you’re 25, the only scenes you get booked for are MILF scenes.” Given that you got a later start than other pornstars, would you say that one of the reasons you started the VNA Girls Network and moved away from DVDs was to have more creative control with your image rather than just be typecast as “The MILF”?
Thanks Kimberly! That means I’m 336? lol….
No I never minded being typecast as a milf, I was 38 when I started what else could you expect? I got some flak from women though, they said, “where do you get off calling yourself a milf, you have no kids”. In the beginning, I kept on correcting everyone, telling them to call me mature, not milf, but no one listened. They insisted on calling me a milf no matter what, so I gave in to it.
If you could do it all over again, would you skip your time spent in the corporate world and go straight into porn?
No I’m glad I did it the way I did. I learned a lot in my corporate career. How to deal with difficult people; I learned about how important image and public relations are; How important every single person in an organization is, from the president of the company to the janitor , how everyone deserves respect and decency; I learned how not to be a control freak and how to delegate and trust. I also learned a very good work ethic. My family thought I was nuts though. They thought it was a huge step down, and that I had lost my mind.
You’ve alluded to leading a double life before. Swinging in the evenings, regular worker during the day. Can you tell us a sexy story from your swinging days?
I’ll tell you this much. When I was frequenting the swing clubs at night, I used to get so freakin’ horny during the day, I would have to go into the ladies restroom and rub one out because I just couldn’t concentrate on work. I was in charge of 15 salespeople in one department, most of them men, and I used to wonder if they knew, lol….. standing around the water cooler, I would have to pretend to be shocked and disgusted if someone told a dirty joke, because I was supposed to be so “respectable”. The hilarious thing is that about 5 or 6 years ago they all started figuring it out and emailing me. They would say things like “OMG I always knew you were a secret horn dog”, “Good for you, you are where you belong now!” “First I was shocked when so and so told me… but now I get it!”. Not a single negative comment. My computer science teacher even joins my site on and off and still writes to me!
Maybe it’s just me, but for me, the VNA Girls Network is one of the most stacked rosters when it comes to pornstar site networks. Are they all handpicked by you?
Yes they are. Being in porn is harder than ever. In years past, having a pretty face or a hot body may have been enough to get you by. Now each girl has be to be an independent business woman. I’m proud to say that each girl in the VNA has an entrepreneurial spirit, is intelligent and hardworking, and yes most of them are stacked too, heheheh…. In fact most of them are more stacked than me, strange to find myself on the small side! You have to really love this business to last and be successful. I don’t want to waste my time on someone who is not serious and in it for the long haul.
You just added Siri and Trisha Uptown to the VNA Army. What can we, the fans, expect from their sites?
I don’t run Trisha’s site, at least not right now, lol.. she became part of VNA Live recently and I know all the members rave about her shows. She is very well liked and a fan favorite.
Siri will be VNA girl #15 making us the FILTHY 15! I think fans can expect some new twists and turns from her site. That little girl may look innocent, but I know a thing or two about her deviant mind, lol… Oh yeah, that site is gonna be SPICY!
If you could only have sex with one of the VNA Army members for the rest of your life, who would it be?
Tough question. Why does it just have to be one?! This is porn godamnit! Can you say the word “orgy”? lol… OMG my head is spinning just thinking about that. It would be an “all nighter”.
Can I come?
For more Vicky Vette checkout:
Her website:
Her twitter: @VickyVette
Her army: VNA Girls